
Strengthening skills for the nuclear sector

At a time when nuclear energy is asserting itself as a crucial choice in the fight against climate change, the urgent challenge is to train a qualified workforce for nuclear professions, in France and elsewhere in the world.

Compétences du secteur nucléaire - young bearded student staring at a photoncounter
Logo I2EN Institut international de l'énergie nucléaire

Preparing human capital
for the nuclear future

Compétences du secteur nucléaire

I2EN in figures

The International Nuclear Energy Institute is committed to promoting nuclear knowledge and strengthening the skilled workforce for the nuclear sector. Its mission is to support, promote and export nuclear training programs, striving toraise France’s profile as a leading global partner in the development of nuclear energy.

I2EN supports countries launching, operating or expanding their nuclear energy programs by providing high-quality training and helping them to develop their own training capabilities.

I2EN is the entry point for countries wishing to develop nuclear training courses and benefit from French expertise in the field.

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Nuclear training in France
Certified nuclear training courses
Academic and institutional partners
Reactor-years of nuclear know-how

I2EN nuclear training courses

The French nuclear industry is facing an unprecedented recruitment challenge: to recruit 100,000 people by 2033 to support its growth. The situation is similar in Europe, where 150,000 new recruits are needed between now and 2035 to meet carbon neutrality targets. Offering professional or academic training courses, with the Label I2EN qualification, is part of the solution.

They talk about I2EN

Vincent Berger“France, renowned for its pioneering nuclear research, is a world leader in nuclear energy with 56 low-CO2 emission reactors. Our universities welcome international students and professionals for world-class nuclear training. In partnership with the International Institute for Nuclear Energy, we offer unique apprenticeships and support for the development of new civil nuclear programs. When you choose French nuclear training, you choose experience and excellence. Vincent Berger, President of I2EN, High Commissioner for Atomic Energy.

Jan van der Lee

“For 13 years, the International Institute for Nuclear Energy (I2EN) has been at the forefront of coordinating nuclear skills in France. Our mission is to support international players in their training needs through partnerships, advice and services. By fostering global collaboration and offering world-class education in nuclear engineering, we aim to contribute to the growth of a safe nuclear industry worldwide.” Jan van der Lee, Executive Director of I2EN.

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Frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions about our organization, our training courses or our internships? Don’t hesitate to contact us directly if you can’t find the answer to your question.

I2EN is the International Institute for Nuclear Energy, a scientific, technical and professional training organization serving the French civil nuclear industry. The I2EN was created in 2010 on the initiative of the French government.

I2EN's main missions include assessing the French nuclear training offer, coordinating this offer internationally, and representing France in bilateral nuclear training cooperation.

Yes, the I2EN offers certain types of short-term professional training - from a few days to a few weeks. The I2EN does not directly offer academic training courses. It lists and evaluates existing training courses in the nuclear field in France.

The I2EN Seal is a quality label which ensures that nuclear education and training programs meet the highest academic standards, as well as the needs and requirements of industry in the context of the nuclear power program. To award the I2EN Seal, the Institute relies on a committee of independent experts from academia and industry, recognized in their field, to assess French nuclear education programs.

I2EN lists courses from Bac Pro to doctorate, including general and vocational bachelor's degrees, BUTs, master's degrees and engineering diplomas.

No, I2EN also caters for foreign students. In particular, it ensures that French industry and research organizations are able to take on foreign students.

The UMN and I2EN are two associative structures serving the French nuclear industry, acting in a complementary fashion. The UMN aims to boost the visibility of its training courses and the attractiveness of its professions, while the I2EN supports export projects and contributes to the international reputation of the industry and its specialized training courses. Together, they are securing the skills needed to meet the major industrial and human challenges of the next decade.

The I2EN Seal is a seal of quality which ensures that nuclear education and training programs meet the highest academic standards, and the needs and requirements of industry as part of the nuclear power program.

The Passeport Nucléaire + is a registered trademark designed to recognize courses adapted to the specific needs of the nuclear industry, and to make them more visible to pupils, students and companies alike.

The Passeport Nucléaire + label is awarded by UMN management, while the I2EN label is based on a more in-depth assessment by a Committee of Experts.