
Legal Notice

Consultation of the “i2en.fr” website (hereinafter “the Site”) is subject to full acceptance and compliance by users with the following conditions of use. The user hereby undertakes to make personal and non-commercial use of the information contained on the Site. Should the user fail to comply with these provisions, he/she may be held liable.

Identification and publication

Website publisher information

– Company name: Institut International de l’Energie Nucléaire – I2EN
– Structure: 1901-type association
– Address: 56, avenue de Wagram, 75017, Paris, France
– SIRET : 92469885500013
– Publication manager: Jan VAN DER LEE
– Managing editor: Thibaud Reysset (TBC)
– E-mail address:[contact@i2en.fr]
– Telephone number: +33 (0) 1 85 73 34 15

Information about the site’s technical and graphic director

– Company name: 1way
– Structure: Micro-business
– SIRET : 53168587300055
– E-mail address:[contact@1way.fr]
– Telephone number: +33 (0) 7 70 00 07 23

Hosting information


Personal data protection

Users may be asked to provide certain personal data (surname, first name, email address, telephone numbers, postal address, date of birth). The collection of this data is necessary for I2EN to process the user’s request. As the purposes of data collection vary according to the services offered by I2EN, they will be specified on the data collection medium.
The user is informed that the personal data collected on the Site, are in compliance with (a) Regulation No. 2016/679, known as the General Regulation for Data Protection (RGPD) and Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended relating to computers, files and freedoms and (b) the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy presented on the Site.
As the data controller, I2EN undertakes to protect and secure personal data, not to keep it longer than necessary, and to use it only in accordance with the authorizations given. The data collected will not be transferred, exchanged or rented.
Users are also reminded that they may at any time exercise their right to access, rectify, delete or object to the information they provide when joining/registering or subsequently, by contacting I2EN by post at the I2EN address mentioned above or by email at [contact@i2en .fr.](mailto:contact@i2en.fr). This address may be used for any questions relating to the user’s personal data collected when using the Site.
Except in cases where processing is exempt from declaration, the processing of user information is subject to declaration to the CNIL.
The user is required to comply with the provisions of the aforementioned laws, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties. In particular, he/she must refrain from collecting or misusing any personal information he/she accesses, and in general, from any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.

Photo credits



The Site constitutes an original work and I2EN holds the copyright to it, in accordance with articles L111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. It is reminded that all images, texts or graphic elements contained in the present Site may constitute works of the mind, thus benefiting from copyright protection, in accordance with the provisions of this same Code.
Any databases appearing on the Site are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998, transposing the European Directive of March 11, 1996 on the legal protection of databases into the French Intellectual Property Code. As such, I2EN expressly prohibits any reuse, reproduction or extraction of elements from these databases. Any unauthorized reuse, reproduction or extraction is the responsibility of the user.
Any representation or reproduction, total or partial, permanent or temporary, on a computer medium and/or paper, and by any process whatsoever (including framing), of any of the elements of the Site, without the prior express consent of I2EN, is prohibited and constitutes an act of counterfeiting, which may result in civil and/or criminal penalties, in accordance with articles L331-1 et seq. and L335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code, subject to the exceptions mentioned in article L122-5 of the same Code.
Should the user wish to use any of the Site’s content (text, image, etc.), he/she must obtain I2EN’s express prior written authorization by sending an email to the following address:[contact@i2en.fr].


During visits, users are informed that a “cookie” may be automatically installed on their browser. This is a block of data which is not used for identification purposes, but which is used to record information relating to the user’s browsing on the site. It is used to analyze traffic, measure audience figures, etc., in order to improve the quality of the site. By configuring your browser, you can be informed of the presence of cookies and, if necessary, refuse them by means of a window that opens automatically when the user logs on.


The information provided on the Site is for information purposes only. I2EN cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information provided on the Site. It does not exempt the user from carrying out additional and appropriate analysis. Users are therefore solely responsible for their use of the Site’s content, and I2EN cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions, or for any lack of availability of the Site’s information and services. Except in the case of serious misconduct on the part of the I2EN, the I2EN may not be held liable for direct or indirect damage linked to the use of the Site, including, but not limited to, damage linked to the use of information produced on the Site, inaccessibility, loss of data and/or the presence of viruses on the Site.
As the I2EN is not the publisher of these sites, they are in no way responsible for their content, nor for any collection or transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or any other process designed to achieve the same ends, carried out by these sites, or for the products or services offered on websites to which the Site may be linked by hypertext links or any other type of link. The presence of hypertext links on the Site, regardless of whether or not I2EN has given its prior consent, does not create joint and several liability between I2EN and the owners of the other sites, as regards the content of the sites to which the user is redirected.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

All information published on the Site and the use made of it are subject exclusively to applicable French law. Only the courts within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal have jurisdiction to hear any disputes arising from the use of the Site.
Updated 12/23/2024