
About the I2EN Seal

What is the I2EN Seal?

Logo Label I2ENThe I2EN Seal certifies the quality of academic nuclear training programs in France and attests to their relevance to the needs of industry and R&D organizations in the sector. By guaranteeing this quality and compatibility, the I2EN Seal becomes a promotional tool for students, teachers and national and international decision-makers wishing to benefit from French expertise. It showcases the country’s best nuclear training courses, offering the highest level of qualification, both nationally and internationally. In 2024, 20 courses (10 masters, 5 engineering degrees, 5 professional licenses) have been awarded the I2EN Seal.

At the initial request of the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, since 2013 I2EN has been responsible for assessing and labeling French nuclear training courses. This assessment aims to align training content with the skills requirements of companies and research organizations in the sector, ensuring that students master the skills needed to be immediately employable and operational in the industry.

To carry out this mission, the I2EN has a Committee of Experts which examines training courses according to criteria of relevance, resources and conformity with the provisions of the national training framework established by the ministries. Committee members are recognized experts in their fields, with each area of nuclear expertise covered by a pair of academic and industrial experts.

I2EN accreditation is optional, and must be applied for by the person in charge of the training program or establishment. Only specifically nuclear diploma courses are eligible for this label. It is based on three categories of criteria:

Relevance criteria

They assess the alignment of training with industry needs in terms of know-how and interpersonal skills.

Means criteria

They evaluate the resources put in place by the establishment to support the success of the training program, such as infrastructure and mobility.

Compliance criteria

They assess compliance with the provisions of the national training framework established by the ministries.