
Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI)

44 Rue Cambronne, 75015 Paris

About us

Created in 1976, the Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs (CDEFI) is an association representing all the directors of engineering schools in France, whether integrated into universities or independent. Responsible for coordinating and promoting higher education in engineering, CDEFI plays a key role in developing and strengthening technical skills in France.

One of CDEFI’s key areas of focus is the energy sector, with a particular emphasis on nuclear power. Through various partnerships with the nuclear industry and research institutions, the CDEFI is committed to adapting training courses to technological developments and market needs. It also promotes careers in the nuclear sector, contributing to the development of a skilled and innovative workforce.

Among its main missions, the CDEFI coordinates the development of educational programs, promotes international exchanges and supports schools in their research and innovation efforts. Through thematic working groups, it addresses contemporary issues such as the energy transition and the integration of digital technologies in education.

CDEFI plays a crucial role in promoting and developing higher engineering education in France, by facilitating collaboration between schools and defending their common interests. It uses its resources and network to influence educational and industrial policies, guarantee the quality of training and boost research in the nuclear and other engineering sectors.

Key figures

200 members, engineering schools in France40 thematic working groups1,000 managers15 international programs