
Specialized Engineer in Atomic Engineering (GA)

French National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN)


The diploma in Atomic Engineering (GA) enables you to specialize in the field of nuclear energy. Future graduates will master all the scientific and technical aspects associated with the design, optimization, operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, in particular reactor systems, in compliance with fundamental safety principles.

Engineers in atomic engineering will be able to work in research and development organizations in the nuclear industry, in major industrial groups responsible for the design and operation of nuclear reactors, in service and nuclear engineering companies, and in safety assessment organizations.

Students will need to acquire skills in nuclear reactor physics, understanding the operation of pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and naval propulsion reactors (NPs). The course also provides cross-disciplinary skills in power grids, decommissioning, industry sectors, nuclear economics and the human, economic and social sciences, enabling students to grasp the place of nuclear power in the energy context and understand the associated social and environmental issues.

A network of industrial and institutional partners such as EDF, Framatome, TechnicAtome, Orano, Naval Group and IRSN are represented on the INSTN’s teaching board, and approve training objectives and programs.

This course leads to the title of engineer specialized in atomic engineering, the only diploma in this field recognized by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur).

The Atomic Engineering specialization course was assessed by I2EN experts and awarded the label in 2017. Renewed in 2023, the label testifies to the academic and professional excellence of the training.


Type : Master spécialisé Level : 7 Language : francais Duration : 1 year Address : Center CEA Saclay, 91190 Saclay
Laurent VeronSupervisor
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Label I2EN

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