
Master of Nuclear Engineering (MNE)

Paris Science & Lettres University


The I2EN-certified Master’s degree in Nuclear Engineering is designed to provide high-level foreign and French students with the key skills needed to contribute to a nuclear industry producing low-carbon electricity. The quality of the training and the breadth of content covered enable us to meet a broad spectrum of corporate needs by recruiting students capable of rapidly integrating into the professional world. This master’s program also prepares students for research.

The MNE is a two-year program taught in English, designed to provide a solid scientific background and operational skills (referred to as M1 for the 1st year and M2 for the 2nd year). Each year corresponds to 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). The MNE is awarded at the end of M2 for students who have obtained the 120 ECTS required for a Master’s degree. The MNE is a French degree awarded by Université Paris-Saclay, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Université Paris Sciences et Lettres and École des Ponts ParisTech.

Thanks to the quality and breadth of the content covered, it enables us to meet a broad spectrum of the needs of companies in this field, by recruiting students with high initial employability. All courses are taught in English.

Jobs in nuclear 1


The two M1 tracks (Physics & Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering) are designed to provide a comprehensive training program, ranging from the scientific and technological aspects that are essential to the physical and chemical aspects of the nuclear energy field. They share a common core and include both fundamental courses underpinning nuclear energy-related professions and chemistry- or physics-oriented courses. These two M1 tracks enable students to acquire all the knowledge they need to follow one of the following M2 tracks.

In the second year, there are five career paths.

  • Fuel Cycle. The Fuel Cycle program is a benchmark in the nuclear industry. It aims to give future managers a global vision of chemistry and physical chemistry as applied to the nuclear field, through high-level theoretical and practical training. Students will acquire the knowledge needed to understand the different stages of the fuel cycle, with particular emphasis on separation and transmutation. In addition, students acquire a comprehensive scientific background for studying the behavior of radionuclides in the condensed phase.
  • Decommissioning and radioactive waste management. The Decommissioning and Waste Management program aims to provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to manage the clean-up and decommission of old nuclear facilities (reactors, power plants, workshops, laboratories, installations, contaminated sites or soil), and the management of radioactive materials and waste. The course also covers all the measures required to ensure the safety of people and the environment. By the end of the course, students have mastered the issues involved in waste management, facility clean-up and decommissioning, project management, radiation protection, as well as the regulatory standards and obligations associated with these subjects.
  • Operation. The Operations program trains experts to operate nuclear power plants safely and efficiently. Future graduates are equipped with the skills needed to understand the phenomena that can disrupt the smooth operation of a plant, in normal or accident situations. Students are trained in the procedures needed to maintain or restore systems to a safe operating state, and to ensure the protection of people and the environment. Organizational and managerial skills complement in-depth technical expertise. Graduates can work as operating engineers, safety engineers or maintenance managers.
  • Plant design. The Nuclear Power Plant Design course is offered at ENSTA, with the aim of providing students with in-depth training in the design and construction of nuclear facilities and fuel processing plants, particularly in the fields of safety, operation, structures and infrastructures, systems and equipment.) This involves understanding the physical phenomena and operation of nuclear reactors. Students are introduced to the main structural calculation codes, nuclear reactor operation and radiation protection concepts relating to the protection of man and his environment. The program provides students with comprehensive know-how in the field of nuclear energy, not only in technical terms, but also in economic, organizational and managerial terms.
  • Nuclear reactor physics and engineering. The Nuclear Reactor Physics and Engineering pathway aims to provide in-depth training in nuclear reactor physics, covering the operation of existing reactors, the development and installation of third-generation reactors, and the design and development of future fourth-generation reactors. These objectives call for a global vision to grasp the full scope of civil nuclear power. Indeed, reactor-related studies generally involve close coupling between thermal-hydraulics, neutronics, reactor materials and fuel.


Type : Master Level : 7 Language : anglais Duration : 2 years Address : 60 Rue Mazarine, 75006 Paris
Dr. Anne-Lise GloanecSupervisor
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Label I2EN

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