The Separative Chemistry, Materials and Processes pathway of the Chemistry Master’s degree introduces students to the concepts and tools used in solution chemistry, extraction and separation chemistry, elaboration and materials and process science, in the context of research and development activities, particularly in connection with the nuclear fuel cycle and the recycling of strategic metals.
Students acquire scientific and technical knowledge, working methods and communication tools, thanks to specialized, multidisciplinary teaching at the highest level.
On completion of this course, students will have acquired disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in: radiochemistry, radioelement analysis, the fuel cycle, reprocessing, extraction and separation processes for strategic metals, waste storage and disposal management, materials chemistry (elaboration, structure, properties), fuel materials and waste containment matrices, nuclear safety and radiation protection, clean-up and dismantling of nuclear facilities, remediation of polluted soils….
Graduates are trained to work in industry and research, in the fields of separative chemistry, materials and processes, particularly in the nuclear sector (fuel cycle, reactor operation, radiation protection and safety, waste management, decontamination and dismantling) or in the recycling of strategic metals (extractive and separative chemistry, reprocessing).
This master’s program has been evaluated by I2EN experts and awarded the label in 2019, a guarantee of its academic and professional excellence.