The aim of the “Physical Techniques for Low-Carbon Energies” (TPEBC) professional degree is to offer high-quality career opportunities to students who are motivated to enter the business world as soon as they have completed their bac+3. It trains senior technicians/assistant engineers specializing in processes for energy production, consumption and management.
The main aim of this degree is to give future graduates a versatile profile and cross-disciplinary skills to meet the hiring needs of companies in the low-carbon (renewable or nuclear) power generation, building and HVAC engineering sectors, as well as in all actions linked to sustainable development (energy diagnostics, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency, diversifying energy sources) and the energy transition.
Designed to meet a major industrial demand in the energy field, the TPEBC degree is naturally based on a close coupling between university and industry, where the skills of each, combined in a dual university/industry teaching program, are necessary for high-quality vocational training. To reinforce this link and ensure coherence between university teaching and the acquisition of professional skills, the TPEBC bachelor’s degree is offered as an apprenticeship, under a professionalization contract and also open to continuing education, alternating periods at university and in the workplace. The total duration of the apprenticeship is 26 weeks (including paid vacations). The course is rounded out by a tutored project, the subject and progress of which are worked out in collaboration.
A full description of the training course in the form of a booklet is available on the dedicated training website, as well as here.
The TPEBC degree was recently evaluated by the I2EN and awarded a label attesting to its academic and professional excellence.