
ITM Atlantic

655 Av. du Technopôle, 29280 Plouzané

About us

IMT Atlantique, a leading French engineering school, stands out for its innovative approach to training and research in science and technology. Created from the merger of Télécom Bretagne and École des Mines de Nantes, the institute has campuses in Brest, Nantes and Rennes. Its multidisciplinary teaching covers a wide range of disciplines, from engineering to management. Thanks to its international network and numerous partnerships with industry, IMT Atlantique prepares its students for careers as technological leaders capable of meeting society’s current and future challenges.

IMT Atlantique offers excellent training in nuclear engineering through its specialized program combining theory and practice. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including reactor physics, nuclear safety, waste management and environmental impact. Collaborative projects with companies in the sector, industrial internships and access to state-of-the-art laboratories reinforce the practical dimension of learning. The program prepares students for influential careers in the nuclear industry, research and regulatory agencies, equipping them with the skills needed to address global energy issues in a responsible and innovative way.

Key figures

1900 students (2023)300 doctoral students4 main masters2 specialized masters94 M€ annual budget