The École Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen (ENSICAEN) is an institution of excellence dedicated to training engineers in the fields of science and technology. Located in the historic city of Caen, this prestigious school offers an academic environment conducive to innovation and research. ENSICAEN offers a wide range of courses, combining scientific rigor with a practical approach, to train versatile engineers capable of meeting today’s technological challenges. Thanks to solid partnerships with companies and research laboratories, the school ensures that its training is in line with the needs of the job market, thus facilitating the professional integration of its graduates.
In the nuclear field, ENSICAEN offers advanced training programs that include courses in reactor physics, nuclear safety and nuclear energy management. These programs are designed to prepare students for technical and research careers in the nuclear sector. The school is actively exploring collaboration opportunities with the International Institute for Nuclear Energy (I2EN), offering prospects for academic enrichment through joint research projects, international exchanges and internships, reinforcing its commitment to excellence in the energy sector.
ENSICAEN offers a course dedicated to the nuclear sector: