
General engineering internship 5


Description :

Lorem Ipsum is simply false text used in typesetting and layout before printing. Lorem Ipsum has been the printing industry’s standard forgery since the 1500s, when an anonymous printer put together a collection of text fragments to produce a specimen book of text fonts.

It has not only survived for five centuries, but has also adapted to computerized office systems, without changing its content. It was popularized in the 1960s by the sale of Letraset sheets containing passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by its inclusion in text layout applications such as Aldus PageMaker.

Lorem Ipsum is simply false text used in typesetting and layout before printing. Lorem Ipsum has been the printing industry’s standard forgery since the 1500s, when an anonymous printer put together a collection of text fragments to produce a specimen book of text fonts.

It has not only survived for five centuries, but has also adapted to computerized office systems, without changing its content. It was popularized in the 1960s by the sale of Letraset sheets containing passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by its inclusion in text layout applications such as Aldus PageMaker.

  • Article en vedette 1

    Lorem Ipsum est simplement faux texte de l'industrie de l'imprimerie et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le faux texte standard de l’industrie depuis les années 1500.

  • Élément en vedette N°2

    Lorem Ipsum est simplement faux texte de l'industrie de l'imprimerie et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le faux texte standard de l’industrie depuis les années 1500.

  • Élément en vedette N°3

    Lorem Ipsum est simplement faux texte de l'industrie de l'imprimerie et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le faux texte standard de l’industrie depuis les années 1500.

This course includes :

Type : Stage d'ingénieur Level : 7 Language : Anglais Duration : 4 months Address : Paris Region - France