The Committee of Experts
After completing his DUT “physical measurements, option chemical physicist controls and measurements in the nuclear field” at Caen, and his engineer degree at ENSIC Nancy in chemical process engineering in 1991, he worked as a doctoral researcher at the CEA (French atomic agency) VALRHO research center in Marcoule and obtained his PhD from INPL (National Lorraine polytechnic institute).
In 1996 he joined ALPHATEM SERVICES, in order to work as a test manager for the commissioning of the new plutonium purification facility of COGEMA la Hague plant.
In 2000, he left ALPHATEM SERVICES for STMI, to be in charge of two liquid waste treatment units, in gloves boxe and hot cell, in the CEA Fontenay aux Roses site, which was at end of operation before decommissioning at that time.
From 2001 to 2006 for AREVA in la Hague plant, he works as a process assistant dedicated to international projects. For RRP (ROKKASHO MURA spent fuel Reprocessing plant) commissioning, he supported the team in Japan and he participated to the redaction of test procedures and of the support documents for Japan operators training in la Hague. Given the lesson learn of la Haque operation, he also took part, to the design validation and safety review of aqueous polishing part of MOX Fuel Fabrication Facilities, due to be built in Savanna River site in USA.
In 2006-2007 for AREVA Japan he participated in the tests with active materials and guarantee period of RRP in the uranium and plutonium purification facilities of this plant.
Since he came back from Japan, Erick Tison is currently working in la Hague plant supporting laboratories as a laboratory studies project manager at the risk management and expertise direction. For expertise or analytical procedure improvements and qualifications, in interface with la Hague laboratories, he is in charge, to review with the customers their needs in the analytical field in order to define and optimize (technical and cost constraints) the test program. Then he writes the test procedures for the different laboratories, he follows the test and he adapts the test program if need, before he presents the laboratory test result synthesis and writes the laboratory test report.
He has been nominated an ORANO expert in 2011 and senior expert in 2015 in analytical chemistry and liquid chemical process engineering. As a senior expert, since 2016, he is convener of the working group one “analytical methodology in the nuclear fuel cycle” of ISO/TC85/SC5 “. He is project leader in charge of few standards in the portfolio of WG1 too. As an expert he participated, for the IAEA on site laboratory in RRP, in collaboration with the EURATOM joined research center in KARLSRUHE and its LSS laboratory in la Hague, to the development of a plutonium measurement in high activity liquid waste including particles. He is co-author of 2 patents, one of which concerns the immobilization of fluoride in high activity aqueous effluents and is currently being examined internationally on behalf of ORANO.
Concerning the academic field, he gives a course (about 8 hours) concerning INB or ICPE process gas treatment units before reject to the atmosphere, at ESIX Normandy in Cherbourg. He has been committee member in several PHD and is author or co-author of 3 articles including one, concerning analytical characterization, in a journal.
In parallel, since fulfilling his military obligation in 1991 in the artillery, he has been a reserve officer in the French army. ORSEM (1997), staff CBRN defense qualified (2011), IHEDN auditor (2014) he is currently Commander assigned in the military schools of Saumur (EMS).