I2EN – Brief History
The International Institute of Nuclear Energy (I2EN) is an association that brings together French stakeholders involved in nuclear education and training. Today, the I2EN has 49 members: 11 partners (government ministries and agencies, industry, and research) and 38 associate members (academia, and E&T associations). The I2EN was created in 2010 and officially inaugurated in June 2011. It acquired a legal personnality on 6 February 2024.
The Institute was set up to be the single point of contact for countries wishing to develop nuclear education and training programmes, training centres, and comprehensive systems to manage nuclear human resources over the whole lifetime of a nuclear programme. This expertise is meant to be shared with countries wishing to benefit from France’s over 60 years of experience in managing nuclear human resources for nuclear power programmes.
At the national level, the I2EN fosters the relationship between the nuclear industry and academia in the areas of education and training. For instance, experts brought together by the I2EN review French nuclear education and training programmes to ensure that they meet the requirements of the nuclear industry through a certification process with the award of the I2EN seal.
June 2024
Jan van der Lee is appointed Executive Director of the I2EN
February 2024
The I2EN acquires legal status and becomes an association.
January 2024
Vincent Berger, High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, is the chairperson of the I2EN.
January 2022
KAREN DAIFUKU is appointed Executive Director of the I2EN
April 2019
Karen Daifuku is appointed Deputy Director of the I2EN
Formerly was Senior Advisor in the International Nuclear Development Department, EDF Group Engineering and New Nuclear Division.
February 2019
Henri Safa is appointed Director of the I2EN
Doctor in Physics. Formerly was Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of CEA’s Nuclear Energy Division.
April 2014
Henri Safa is appointed Deputy Director of I2EN
November 2013
Yves Fanjas is appointed Director of the I2EN
Formerly Deputy Director of Research & Innovation, Areva Group, and Director of Technical & Scientific Training at Areva’s Training Department.
October 2013
Statutes of the I2EN
On October 22, 2013, the I2EN’s partners sign new bylaws & rules of the Institute. The objectives of the I2EN are redefined and its governance is reviewed.
> More info about I2EN’s Missions & Activities
27 June 2011
Official inauguration
Valérie Pécresse, Minister of Higher Education & Research, and Eric Besson, Minister of Industry, Energy, and Digital Economy officially inaugurate the I2EN.
February 2011
Marie-Françoise Debreuille was appointed Director of the I2EN
September 2010
The I2EN becomes operational.
June 2010
Report: “Considerations for the establishment the International Institute of Nuclear Energy”
Following the International Conference on Access to Civilian Nuclear Energy, Catherine Césarsky then France’s High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, delivered a report to the government on the feasibility and added-value of the I2EN.
8 March 2010
International Conference on Access to Civilian Nuclear Energy, Paris, France
French President Nicolas Sarkozy expressed France’s willingness to assist any country wishing to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes that fully abides by its non-proliferation obligations.
He also announced the creation of the International Nuclear Energy Institute. It will gather the best teachers and researchers to provide very high quality education. Ultimately, he hoped that a vast scientific network will take shape and bring together international efforts.