Grenoble INP
Grenoble INP, The Grenoble Institute of Technology, is one of Europe’s leading technology universities. We have been training engineers for 100 years in 11 high-tech areas at our schools specialized in the nuclear sector: Phelma (physics, applied physics, electronics and materials science) and Ense3 (energy, water and environmental sciences). We offer 6 different education programs in nuclear energy and award 100 BS, MEng and MS degrees every year in this field. With more than 40 years of experience, Grenoble INP has the oldest nuclear engineering training and research program in France together with INSTN. Grenoble INP is one of the key founders and supports of the Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering & Technology, IFCEN, at Sun-Yat-Sen University, Zhuhai.
Nuclear energy programs AT phelma
The GEN MS (Reactor physics and nuclear engineering, 3 years, FR) prepares future engineers for a career in the nuclear industry. GEN’s main objectives are to provide in-depth understanding and practice in: (a) reactor physics, thermal-hydraulics, material and nuclear physics, and nuclear instrumentation; (b) modeling and simulation; (c) engineering sciences and (d) reactor operation, safety and design.
MaNuEn (Materials science for Nuclear Energy, 2 years, EN) is an international Master’s program, developed in close cooperation with EDF, CEA, and INSTN for students seeking a career in the nuclear industry or R&D. It covers the specificities of materials used in a nuclear environment from nuclear fuels to structural materials of nuclear reactor components. Special focus is given to material durability under irradiation.
EMINE, the European Master’s In Nuclear Energy (2 years, EN) provides the high-level technical education required to master the engineering complexities of nuclear power generation, as well as business training related to innovation and energy management. The program is supported by Europe’s leading companies in nuclear energy and research organizations (EDF, CEA, FRAMATOME, Orano and ENDESA). EMINE involves 6 academic partners : KTH and UPC for the first year, and ENSTA ParisTech, CentraleSupélec, Chimie ParisTech, and Grenoble INP for the second year.
The EP MS (Physics for Energetics, 2 years, FR) provides students with a strong education in physics for energy systems such as nuclear power plants and solar energy applications. Special emphasis is given to: (a) energetics, nuclear and reactor physics; (b) material physics and nanotechnologies; (c) thermal sciences, (d) solar energy and positive energy building.
NCEPU (International Bachelor in Nuclear Engineering, 1 year, EN) is designed for undergraduates who want to do their last year of BS in a highly specialized environment dedicated to nuclear engineering.
IEN (Engineering of Nuclear Energy, 3 years, FR) is an MEng focused on providing expertise in the full energy conversion chain as well as in advanced modeling and numerical simulation to give students the scientific and technical skills required for the operation, modeling, building and decommissioning of present and future nuclear energy systems.
Master’s graduates and 200 PhD students each year
doctorates awarded each year
tenured research professors
research laboratories, including 11 international laboratories
schools accredited to deliver the engineering degree