EDF is one of the world’s largest producer of electricity, covering all aspects, from engineering and generation to transmission, distribution, and delivery. Among the ten largest energy companies, the EDF group has the lowest CO2 emitting fleet per kilowatt-hour produced thanks to the share of nuclear power, hydraulics and other renewable energies in its generation mix.
EDF’s nuclear assets in the world
EDF owns and operates 67 nuclear reactors worldwide. Of these, 56 are in France, 11 are in the UK. Due to its heavy investment in nuclear power, France is the smallest emitter of carbon dioxide among the seven most industrialized countries in the world.
A new series with EPRs
The Flamanville-3 reactor in France is under commissioning, whereas there are two EPRs under construction in the United Kingdom. Two other units are under development at Sizewell C in the UK. In Chin, Taishan’s first unit was connected to the grid on 29 June 2018 for the first time. The second unit was connected on 23 June 2019.
EDF’s nuclear expertise
EDF’s expertise in the nuclear field is very broad with more than 30,000 employees in the nuclear sector in France. Of these 23,000 are in operations, 6,000 in engineering and 1,000 in R&D.
EDF nuclear academy
As an owner/operator, EDF has set up a comprehensive training system for those employed in the engineering and generation sectors so that its NPPs are safely designed, built and operated.
In-house training
EDF Nuclear Academy’s introductory and continuous training programs cover the whole set of skills required for the pre-project, project development, design, construction and operation, and decommissioning stages of a nuclear power plant’s life. We have implemented the “Systematic Approach to Training” methodology to make sure our staff reaches the highest level of safety and performance. We ensure that those trained with us first acquire common knowledge and fundamentals by completing core modules, and then acquire the specific knowledge they need for their professions and improve their skills by completing a variety of advanced modules. In-house training capabilities deliver the best preparation across a broad range of disciplines, for both EDF and EDF’s partners.
Innovate learning
EDF uses the latest and most appropriate innovative tools to enhance the learning experience. Teaching and learning methods include e-assessment, e-learning, interactive videos, serious games, on-site visits, simulators and learn-by-doing.
Continuously improving training programs
Training programs are constantly evaluated and revised to include new requirements and to incorporate lessons learned using our unique professional network of experts and cross-training relationships with universities, industry and institutional partners, and R&D.
Training facilities
EDF has a large number of training centers covering a broad range of skills.
From 2016 onwards, the EDF Saclay campus (near Paris) will become the largest European energy professional training center. The 25,000 m² center will offer the latest training tools, its proximity with the EDF R&D center, the top universities, and EDF partners R&D centers, enhancing cross-learning opportunities.
Training programs for newcomers countries
IAEA-sponsored training
In the framework of IAEA-sponsored training for newcomers’ executives responsible for the development of new nuclear projects, we organize workshops, technical meetings, and various training courses.
Customized training
We also organize tailor-made training sessions for executives from newcomer countries to enhance their understanding of the nuclear industry through study tours, industrial visits, and conferences. These training courses are intended to provide them with a comprehensive overview of the industry and its facilities, and how to take up the challenges facing them.
Full training programs for the staff of new nuclear power programs are developed and delivered at Saclay training center and other facilities in France and in the UK.
523.7 TWh
electricity generated in 2021
€84.5 B
sales in 2021
38.5 million
CO2-free energy
€661 million
R&D budget