

CentraleSupélec is a founding member of the University Paris-Saclay. Through its engineering and master programmes, it is strongly committed to meeting the pressing and recently emerging demand from the nuclear industry to train a large number of managers from all backgrounds in nuclear technologies. To this end, two programmes have been set up one in engineering and the other in a master degree in partnership with the University of Paris-Saclay.



The nuclear programme in partnership with the University Paris-Saclay

The goal of this programme is to provide students with the technical bases for a comprehensive understanding of the field of nuclear energy generation. It provides the basics of the main scientific fields covered by the nuclear energy, namely neutronics, thermohydraulics, electricity, chemistry, radiochemistry, and materials engineering. It shows how this knowledge is applied in: fuel cycle, electricity generation, lifetime performances of materials, etc.).

This course is structured in three distinct parts: nuclear reactors, irradiation of materials, and fuel cycle.

The point of view adopted is to consider the student as a future project manager in the nuclear industry and to give him the elements allowing him to discuss with the specialists of the various technical fields of this industry (e.g. neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, electricians, chemists, environmental specialists, etc.). At the end of this programme, students have the necessary basis to pursue, if they wish, other nuclear-oriented training programmes in the energy option (e.g. thermal-hydraulic engineering, nuclear engineering, nuclear fuel cycle).

The Master in Nuclear Energy

This programme is open to foreign students from countries with a potential demand for nuclear training, within the framework of contracts or agreements, or from countries where the industry that supports this programme is established for sustainable nuclear activities.
In France, the nuclear industry’s demand for new engineers and managers is of the order of at least 1,000 persons per year over the next 10 years, which justifies an expansion of the offer.
The learning objectives of CentraleSupélec’s nuclear energy programme include multidisciplinary methodological contributions, an introduction to research for one of the five specialties, and preparation for integration into a major industrial group. Specifically, the objectives of the Master of Nuclear Energy are:

  • Nuclear Reactor Physics & Engineering: to provide in-depth knowledge of reactor physics, to use existing tools, to develop and install third-generation reactors, and to design and develop the systems of the future.
  • Nuclear Plant Design: to provide in-depth knowledge of the design and construction of nuclear reactor systems and equipment infrastructures.
  • Fuel Cycle: learning the chemistry necessary for the different stages of the cycle with particular emphasis on separation-transmutation.
  • Operations: learning how to manage and maintain a nuclear power plant.
  • Decommissioning and Waste Management: providing knowledge related to the decommissioning of nuclear power plants and waste management while ensuring the protection of man and the environment.
Key figures





Laboratory of Molecular and Macroscopic Energy and Combustion (E.M2C.)



partner companies





€105 million

of budget