Arts & Métiers Sciences and Technologies
Arts et Métiers
Arts et Métiers – Sciences and Technologies, the École nationale supérieure d’arts et métiers, since its creation in 1780, has been committed to meeting the constantly evolving industrial and societal challenges. Its primary mission is to train engineers specializing in sustainable technologies: engineers capable of designing products and systems that respect the environment, but also of controlling an industrial organization by controlling risks and costs.
The school offers a wide range of scientific education, from bachelor to PhD. It has:
- 1 bachelor of technology;
- 1 engineering degree;
- 8 apprenticeship engineering diplomas;
- 20 masters;
- 17 post-master and MBA certificates.
Arts et Métiers has developed numerous educational programs in nuclear energy to meet the growing demand of industry for qualified personnel in the sector.
The Arts et Métiers campus in Aix-en-Provence offers a one-year post-master certificate in nuclear safety, in partnership with INSTN and IRSN. The skills acquired by graduates during this training will enable them to prevent accidents related to the operation of nuclear facilities, to limit their impact on personnel, the public and the environment, and to ensure the containment of radioactivity.
It is also possible for these students to obtain a dual degree in collaboration with the INSTN. The training in atomic engineering allows engineers to specialize in the field of nuclear energy. Future graduates will master all the scientific and technical aspects associated with the design, optimization, operation and dismantling of nuclear installations, particularly reactor systems, in compliance with the fundamental principles of safety.
With its 15 laboratories, teams of researchers and a doctoral school, Arts et Métiers is committed to meeting the needs of French and international industry by sharing its expertise with the business world. The school focuses on 5 economic sectors:
- Transportation;
- Energy;
- Health;
- Construction;
- Factories of the future.
and in three vast fields of research and development
- mechanics, materials and processes
- fluids and energy systems,
- design, industrialization, risk and decision making.Through its training and research programmes managed jointly with major research centres, Arts et Métiers aims to contribute to industrial innovation in France and Europe.
laboratories and research teams
engineering programmes
international students/year
€120 million
of budget