The European Master in Nuclear Energy (EMINE) is a dual degree at the heart of InnoEnergy – a strongly integrated alliance of European key players from education, research and industry in the field of sustainable energy.
The ongoing advances in nuclear science and technology play the central role in the development of future nuclear power systems and are also crucial for how successfully handle the nuclear waste problem in a responsible manner. From this perspective, it is of vital importance to offer high quality education to the next generation of nuclear scientists and engineers.
In the first year, students can choose to attend either KTH: Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm or UPC: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, where you take core modules in the fundamentals of nuclear engineering, safety and radiation protection, as well as design and management of power plants.
In addition, first-year students attend a summer school on innovation and energy management given by the Grenoble Ecole de Management. This training will provide students with an overview of innovation issues in energy markets in general and in nuclear technology.
The second year takes place in France – a nuclear powerhouse in Europe.
Students attend either Grenoble INP or Université Paris-Saclay. At this stage in the programme, students choose to specialise in one of the following areas:
- Materials science for nuclear energy;
- Nuclear reactor physics and engineering
- Nuclear plant design;
- Operations;
- Fuel cycle;
- Decommissioning and waste management.
- Fundamentals in nuclear energy ;
- Materials for nuclear reactors ;
- Physics of irradiated materials ;
- Material ageing in a nuclear environment.
The admissions criteria are the following:
- A bachelor degree (worth a minimum of 180 ECTS credits) ;
- English language proficiency ;
- Programme-specific requirements.
- Project manager in the nuclear industry ;
- Nuclear engineer with a knowledge ranging from design and construction to operation and maintenance, to power station decommissioning and waste management of the fuel cycle ;
- Researcher, following a PhD.